Safe & Secure Payment


Shopping on

We hope you enjoy shopping on We want it to be fun, easy, convenient and most importantly safe and secure for you. We therefore have various different ways to pay and the highest levels of security. Please read on to find out more:

Easy ways to pay

We accept credit and debit card payments from Visa, Mastercard, Amercian Express and we also welcome payments via PayPal.

Highest levels of security

Without spoiling any of the fun, we take security very seriously.
When you are ready to enter your card payment details, you will be redirected to a secure payment gateway provided by our payment partner, SagePay. This payment gateway is certified to Level 1 compliance (the highest level) of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). This is a set of rigorous security standards designed to make shopping on the internet safer. In addition, we include checks on the registered card address and the card security digits (AVS/CV2) and we support 3D Secure verification (Verified by Visa, Mastercard Securecode & American Express Safekey) and Strong Customer Authentication (SCA). Transactions are protected by the highest level of security via SSL encryption.

Convenience for returning customers

We always hope that you enjoyed your shopping enough to visit us again and we offer a safe and convenient method of making your next checkout as quick and zippy as possible.
The Token System is a safe way of keeping card details for future reference without actually storing them. Your card details are never saved on our website, but we allow you to save a secure token or “alias” with which you can refer to your previous payment cards processed by SagePay. This gives you the convenience of checking out without typing your full card number every time without compromising on card data security which remains protected by full Level 1 PCI DSS compliance.

Any suggestions?

Any feedback or ideas we receive about the site, our service or our products, is hugely helpful in improving our service. Please do let us know of any payment methods preferences you have which do not appear at checkout and we will review this as part of our ongoing commitment to customer care.